The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind

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obligations. Have you listened to their conversation? In many
instances their conversation runs along this vein. They are constantly
condemning those who have succeeded in life and who have raised
their heads above the crowd. Perhaps they are saying, “Oh, that fellow
has a racket; he is ruthless; he is a crook.” This is why they lack; they
are condemning the thing they desire and want. The reason they speak
critically of their more prosperous associates is because they are
envious and covetous of the others prosperity. The quickest way to
cause wealth to take wings and fly away is to criticize and condemn
others who have more wealth than you.

  • A common stumbling block to wealth

There is one emotion, which is the cause of the lack of wealth in the
lives of many. Most people learn this the hard way. It is envy. For
example, if you see a competitor depositing large sums of money in
the bank, and you have only a meager amount to deposit, does it make
you envious? The way to overcome this emotion is to say to yourself,
“Isn’t it wonderful! I rejoice in that man’s prosperity. I wish for him
greater and greater wealth.”

To entertain envious thoughts is devastating because it places you in
a very negative position; therefore, wealth flows from you instead of
to you. If you are ever annoyed or irritated by the prosperity or great
wealth of another, claim immediately that you truly wish for him
greater wealth in every possible way. This will neutralize the negative
thoughts in your mind and cause an ever-greater measure of wealth to
flow to you by the law of your own subconscious mind.

  • Rubbing out a great mental block to wealth

If you are worried and critical about someone whom you claim is
making money dishonestly, cease worrying about him. You know
such a person is using the law of mind negatively; the law of mind
takes care of him. Be careful not to criticize him for the reasons
previously indicated.

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