The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind

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dismissed yourself. The manager was simply the instrument through
which your own negative mental state was confirmed. It was an
example of the law of action and reaction. The action was your
thought, and the reaction was the response of your subconscious mind.

  • Obstacles and impediments on the pathway to riches

I am sure you have heard men say, “That fellow has a racket.” “He
is a racketeer.” “He is getting money dishonestly.” “He is a faker.” “I
knew him when he had nothing.” “He is a crook, a thief, and a

If you analyze the man who talks like that, you discover he is
usually in want or suffering from some financial or physical illness.
Perhaps his former college friends went up the ladder of success and
excelled him. Now he is bitter and envious of their progress. In many
instances this is the cause of his downfall. Thinking negatively of
these classmates and condemning their wealth causes the wealth and
prosperity he is praying for to vanish and flee away. He is
condemning the thing he is praying for.

He is praying two ways. On the one hand he is saying, “Wealth is
flowing to me now,” and in the next breath, silently or audibly, he is
saying, “I resent that fellow’s wealth.” Always make it a special point
to rejoice in the wealth of the other person.

  • Protect your investments

If you are seeking wisdom regarding investments, or if you are
worried about your stocks or bonds, quietly claim, “Infinite
intelligence governs and watches over all my financial transac-tions,
and whatsoever I do shall prosper.” Do this frequently and you will
find that your investments will be wise; moreover, you will be
protected from loss, as you will be prompted to sell your securities or
holdings before any loss accrues to you.

  • You cannot get something for nothing

In large stores the management employs store detectives to prevent
people from stealing. They catch a number of people every day trying

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