Social Media Marketing

(Darren Dugan) #1


Social Business


Arriving at Bengaluru International Airport
in India in June 2009, I found my checked

bags on the luggage carousel within seven min-
utes. Wow! I tweeted that. Leaving Seattle in

April 2010 I discovered that I’d mistakenly

requested a flight on Wednesday, but showed
up on Tuesday expecting to fly home to my

son’s Little League game in Austin that evening.
Continental Airlines made it happen, without

charge, in less than 30 seconds. Wow! I wrote a

blog post about that. This is social business in
action: Running your organization in a way that

generates the conversations you want. Read on
to find out how these businesses did it, and how

you can too.

Chapter 1 Social Media and Customer Engagement

Chapter 2 The New Role of the Customer

Chapter 3 Build a Social Business

Chapter 4 The Social Business Ecosystem

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