Social Media Marketing

(Darren Dugan) #1


c h a p t e r

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application of the same technologies at a “whole-organization” level. In other words,
social business is the next generation of customer engagement: it connects customers to
employees, links unstructured conversational data to structured business data, and rec-
ognizes that the same desire to collaborate in the pursuit of better decisions exists both
inside and outside your firm.

Review of the Main Points

This chapter focused on social media and social technology applied at a deeper busi-
ness level for the purpose of driving higher levels of customer engagement. In particu-
lar, this chapter established the following fundamentals:
• There is a distinct social “engagement” process: Beginning with content con-
sumption, it continues through curation, creation, and collaboration. The final
stage—collaboration—can be used to form an active link between you, your col-
leagues, and your customers.
• Operations and Marketing teams must work together to create the experiences
that drive conversations. The Social Feedback Cycle is the articulation of the
relationship that connects all of the disciplines within your organization around
the customer experience.
• Collaboration—used to connect customers to your business—is a powerful force
in effecting change and driving innovation. Collaboration is, in this sense, one of
the fundamental objectives of a social business strategy.
Now that you’ve gotten the basics of the engagement process and understand
the usefullness of social applications along with the ways in which you can connect
your audience, employees, and business, spend some time looking at the following real-
world applications. As you do, think about how the engagement process is applied, and
about how the resultant interactions leverage the larger social networks and relevant
communities frequented by those who would be using these applications.

Hands-On: Review These Resources

Review each of the following, taking note of the main points covered in the chapter
and the ways in which the following resources demonstrate or expand on these points:
• Starbucks’ “My Starbucks Idea” ideation application:
• The blog of Gaurav Mishra, on the topic of social business:
• The blog of Peter Kim, on the topic of social business:
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