c h a p t e r
3 :
The final link in the chain is therefore to connect employees (organizational par-
ticipants in the more general sense) to each other and into the flow of customer infor-
mation. This last section of the chapter introduces the internal applications of social
technologies that lead to an effective response mechanism. This completes the customer
collaboration cycle, shown in Figure 3.7, and enables the business to capitalize on the
implementation and use of social technologies.
1 Experience
1 CommunityPlatforms
Results in
2 SocialApplications
Designed by
Figure 3.7 The Customer Collaboration Cycle
Empower an Organization
Consider the following scenario: Imagine that your employer is a major hospital chain.
Clearly, this is a complex business, and one that customers readily talk about. Health
care in a sense is one of the “this was made for social” business verticals: It cries out
for the application of social technology.
Taking off on social media marketing, imagine that you are in the marketing
group—perhaps you are a CMO, a VP of Marketing, Director of Communications,
or PR, or advertising for a community hospital. You’re reading through social media
listening reports and you find conversations from a new mother that reflects a genuine
appreciation for the care and attention during the birth of her child. You also find some
pictures uploaded by the people who attended the opening of your newest community
health care center. Along with that you find other conversations, some expressing dis-
satisfaction with high costs, unexplained charges, a feeling of disempowerment...in
short, all of those things outside of the actual delivery of quality health care that make
patients and their families nuts.