Irodov – Problems in General Physics

(Joyce) #1

3.119. Find the charge of each capacitor in the circuit shown in
Fig. 3.22.

[ Cf

11 C,



6:5^11 4
C 2
Fig. 3.22.^ Fig. 3.23.

3.120. Determine the potential difference TA - IT B between points
A and B of the circuit shown in Fig. 3.23. Under what condition is
it equal to zero?
3.121. A capacitor of capacitance Cl = 1.0 ttF charged up to
a voltage V = 110 V is connected in parallel to the terminals
of a circuit consisting of two uncharged capacitors connected in
series and possessing the capacitances C2 = 2.0 RF and C3 = 3.0 IR.
What charge will flow through the connecting wires?
3.122. What charges will flow after the shorting of the switch
Sw in the circuit illustrated in Fig. 3.24 through sections 1 and^2
in the directions indicated by the arrows?

T .., Tcz

i, '2^6


1 P Te2^

Fig. 3.24. (^) Fig. 3.25.
3.123. In the circuit shown in Fig. 3.25 the emf of each battery
is equal to g = 60 V, and the capacitor capacitances are equal
to Cl = 2.0 fi.F and C2 = 3.0 p,F. Find the charges which will
flow after the shorting of the switch Sw through sections' 1, 2 and 3
in the directions indicated by the arrows.
3.124. Find the potential difference TA — cpB between points
A and B of the circuit shown in Fig. 3.26.
Fig. 3.26. (^) Fig. 3.27.
3.125. Determine the potential at point 1 of the circuit shown in
Fig. 3.27, assuming the potential at the point 0 to be equal to zero.

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