Irodov – Problems in General Physics

(Joyce) #1
(b) the magnetic susceptibility of the paramagnetic if the maxim-
um attraction force equals F niox = 160 [tN.
3.287. A small ball of volume V made of paramagnetic with sus-
ceptibility x was slowly displaced along the axis of a current-carrying
coil from the point where the magnetic induction equals B out to the
region where the magnetic field is practically absent. What amount
of work was performed during this process?

3.6. Electromagnetic Induction. Maxwell's Equations

  • Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction:
    del3 (3.6a)

  • In the case of a solenoid and doughnut coil:
    (1) = NO 1 , (3.6b)
    where N is the number of turns, cl3. 1 is the magnetic flux through each turn.

  • Inductance of a solenoid:
    L =-- iutto 71217. (3.6c)

  • Intrinsic energy of a current and interaction energy of two currents:
    W=—r. 7 W12== L12 111 2.

  • Volume density of magnetic field energy:
    B 2
    =2ulto 2

  • Displacement current density:
    jclis= at

  • Maxwell's equations in differential form:

v x (^) at ' V • B=0,
V x H=1-4 - - ' V•D=p,
where V X rot (the rotor) and V. ---- div (the divergence).

  • Field transformation formulas for transition from a reference frame K
    to a reference frame K' moving with the velocity vo relative to it.
    In the case 17 0 << c
    E' = E B' = B — [vo Elic 2 (3.6h)
    In the general case

E' 11 =E (^) ll ' B
E14-[voll] B' = B —Iv El/c° 2

  1. —(v0/02 ' yi-0,0/02
    where the symbols II and I denote the field components, respectively parallel
    and perpendicular to the vector vo.






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