Irodov – Problems in General Physics

(Joyce) #1
(b) the frequency co of the force F at which (P) is maximum; what
is (P),,„„ equal to?
4.92. An external harmonic force F whose frequency can be varied,
with amplitude maintained constant, acts in a vertical direction on
a ball suspended by a weightless spring. The damping coefficient is
times less than the natural oscillation frequency coo of the ball.
How much, in per cent, does the mean power (P) developed by the
force F at the frequency of displacement resonance differ from the
maximum mean power (P)max? Averaging is performed over one
oscillation period.
4.93. A uniform horizontal disc fixed at its centre to an elastic
vertical rod performs forced torsional oscillations due to the moment
of forces N, = N,„ cos wt. The oscillations obey the law cp =
cp n, cos (cot — cc). Find:
(a) the work performed by friction forces acting on the disc during
one oscillation period;
(b) the quality factor of the given oscillator if the moment of
inertia of the disc relative to the axis is equal to I.

4.2. Electric Oscillations

  • Damped oscillation in a circuit


q me-6,t cos (cot-1-a),

04 — 132 ,^ (4- -VW 13= 2L


  • Logarithmic damping decrement and quality factor Q of a circuit are
    defined by Eqs. (4.1d). When damping is low:

X = nil 1 7 --C L - , Q= 77 V —C- • (4.2b)

1.. r

  • Steady-state forced oscillation in a circuit with a voltage V = Vm cos cot
    connected in series:
    / = /7)., cos (cot — (p),^ (4.2c)


1/R 2 + (coL —


Im R
tan cp-

wL —

1 0

of current

Fig. 4.26.

The corresponding vector diagram for voltages is shown in Fig. 4.26.

  • Power generated in an ac circuit:

P = VI cos p, (^) (4.2e)
where V and I are the effective values of voltage and current:
V = V„/ VT, 1= in,117-1. (4.2f)

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