6.15. AN/N = 4T2 71e4 (0.7 - (^) Af i + 0.3 t) pdNAi 2 A cot^22 2 = 1.4.10-3,
where Z 1 and Z2 are the atomic numbers of copper and zinc,
M (^1) and M2 are their molar masses, NA is Avogadro's number.
6.16. Aa = n (Ze 2 /T) 2 cot 2 (0 0 12) = 0.73 kb.
6.17. (a) 0.9 MeV; (b) dold52 = Aa/4n sin 4 (0/2) = 0.64 kb/sp.
6.18. t = (3mc 2 /2e 2 co 2 ) In ri = 15 ns.
6.19. t^ m^2 c^3 r^3 I4e^4 13 ps.
6.21. rn = linh/mo), En = nho), where n = 1, 2,..^ =
=--1/7/Tn. 1
ri, pm v, 10 m/s 6 T, eV E b, eV Ti, V, (pi, V R, nm
H 52.9 2.18 13.6 13.6 13.6 10.2 121.5
He 26.5 4.36 54.5 54.5 54.5 40.8 30.4
6.23. co = me 4 Z 2 /h 3 n 8 = 2.07.10 16 s--^1.
6.24. pm, = neh/2mc, μn/Mn = el2mc, t1 = 14-
6.25. B = m 2 e 7 lch 5 = 125 kG.
6.27. The Brackett series, X6-.4 = 2.63 Rm.
6.28. (a) 657, 487 and 434 nm; (b) 2n 16X, 1.5 -10 2.
6.29. For n >> 1 sin 0 x n 3 acl1R, whence 0^ 60°.
6.30. Het
6.31. N = 1 / 2 n (n - 1).
6.32. 97.3, 102.6 and 121.6 nm.
6.33. n = 5.
6.34' R - 176nc15Z20k --= 2 .07.10^16 s-1.
6.35. Z----V-(176/15)ncIRAA, = 3, Li".
6.36. X-- (2nc/Aco) (Z1/ R/A - 1 )1(2Z V RIAo)-1)------ 0.47 Rm.
6.37. Eb = 54.4 eV (He+).
6.38. E = E, 4hR = 79 eV.
6.39. v =V 2 (hco - 4hR)/m = 2.3.10 6 m/s, where co = 2acA.
6.40. Tmin = 3 i2hR = 20.5 eV.
6.41. v = 3hR/4mc = 3.25 m/s, where m is the mass of the
6.42. (e - e')/e^ 3hRI8mc^2 = 0.55-10-6%, where m is the
mass of the atom.
6.43. v = 2 y hRlm = 3.1-10^6 m/s, where 7n is the mass of
the electron.
6.44. v = 3RAX/8n cos 0 = 0.7.10 6 m/s.
6.45. (a) En = n^2 n^2 h 2 /2m1 2 ; (b) En =
= nh 17 alm;. (d) En = -ma 2 /23t 2 n 2.
n 2 h 2 /2mr 2 ; (c) En =