Irodov – Problems in General Physics

(Joyce) #1
6.105. For the state 4 P: h;a2, h 15/2, and h V 32/2; for
the state 5 D: 0, h1/2; h^ h^ h V 20.
6.106. (a) 2 F7/2, M - max — hi/ 63/2, (b) 3 F4, M 771aX = 2h V 6.
6.107. In the F state M 8 = h ;-; for the D state it can be
only found that M,„>.-h.1/ -^6 -.
6.108. 3, 4, 5.
6.109. (a) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9; (b) 2, 4, 6; (c) 5, 7, 9.
6.110. 31°.
6.111. 3 D 2.
6.112. 'PI , ip2, 11'3, 3 P0,1,22 3 D1,2,3, 3 F2,3.4.
6.113. The same as in the foregoing problem.
6.114. The second and the third term.
6.115. g = 4 ± 6 = 10.
6.116. 4, 7 and 10.
6.117. 3 F 3.
6.118. As.
6.119. (a) 4 S312; (b) 3 P2.
6.120. (a) 4F312, W172; (b) 4 F9 12 , h3 1112.
6.121. (a) Two d electrons; (b) five p electrons; (c) five d elec-

6.122. (a) 3 P (^0) , (b) 4 F912.
6.123. (^4) F312.
6.124. p. = to B Y 35 ( 65 512)•
6.125. 1 = n^2 e-0/hT = 3.10-17, where o = R (1 — 1/n^2 ).
6.126. NIN, = (g/g 0 ) e-TiwIkT = 1.14.10-4, where g and go^
are the statistical weights (degeneracy ratios) of the levels 3P and
3S respectively (g = 6, go = 2).
6.127. ti = 1111 In i = 1.3 1.ts.
6.128. N = XTP/2nch = 7.10^3.
6.129. r = (nhalP) (g/ go) e —hWA T = 65 ns, where g and go^
are the degeneracy ratios of the resonant and the basic level.
6.130. (a) Pin d/Pop = 1/(e")/hT — 1) 10 -34, where a) =
=-- 3 / 4 R; (b) T = 1.7.10^5 K.
6.131. Suppose that I is the intensity of the passing ray. The
decrease in this value on passing through the layer of the substance
of thickness dx is equal to
— dI = xI dx = (N1B12 — N2B21) (Iic) ho) dx,
where N 1 and N2 are the concentrations of atoms on the lower and
upper levels, B12 and B21 are the Einstein coefficients. Hence
x a (hco/c) N1R12 (1 — g1N2ig2N1)•
Next, the Boltzmann distribution should be taken into considera-
tion, as well as the fact that ho) >> kT (in this case N 1 is approxim-
ately equal to No, the total concentration of the atoms).
6.132. AkDop/Aknot 43T-rvp,./X,^103 , where vp,. = 172RTIM.

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