Irodov – Problems in General Physics

(Joyce) #1

6.300. m 4 m;„ -- 2 (mx Tz)(m„+ T,t)-= 0.94 GeV,
. T n = my, [cosec (0/2) — 1], E., = m,,/2 sin (0/2). For
0 = 60° the energy T„ = Ev = m,t.
6.303. cos (0/2) = 1/1/1 + 2m/T, whence 0 = 99°.
. (a) eth = 4m, = 2.04 MeV; (b) cth = 2/71n (1+mg/mp) =
320 MeV.
6.305*. (a) T t h = 6mp = 5.6 GeV; (b) T th =m,, (4mp+m,,)/2mp =
= 0.28 GeV.
6.306. (a) 0.90 GeV; (b) 0.77 GeV.
6.307. S = —2, Y = —1, 4-7° particle.
6.308. Processes 1, 2, and 3 are forbidden.
6.309. Processes 2, 4, and 5 are forbidden.
6.310. Process 1 is forbidden in terms of energy; in other pro-
cesses the following laws of conservation are broken: of baryon
charge (2), of electric charge (3), of strangeness (4), of lepton charge
(5), and of electron and muon charge (6).

  • In the answers to Problems 6.300-6.305 marked by an asterisk the quan-
    tity mc 2 is abbreviated as m.

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