Irodov – Problems in General Physics

(Joyce) #1

Excess of mass
of atom
Ar - A, a.m.u. Isotope

Excess of mass
of atom
Ar - A, a.m.u.

(^0) n 0.00867 6 0.01143
(^1) HI 0.00783 C 12 0
H 2 0.01410 C 12 0.00335
H 3 0.01605 7 N[13 0.00574
(^2) He 3 0.01603 INP 4 0.00307
He' 0.00260 1\1 15 0.00011
(^3) Lie 0.01513 8 015 0.00307
Liz 0.01601^0 12 -0.00509
(^4) Bel 0.01693 0 17 -0.00087
Be' 0.00531 9 FI 9 -0.00160
Beg 0.01219 10 Ne^20 -0.00756
Be" 0.01354^11 Na^23 -0.01023
(^5) Blo 0.01294 Na^24 -0.00903
0.00930 12 Mg24 -0.01496
Note. Here Ar is the relative atomic mass (in a.m.u.), A is the
mass number.

25. Ionization Potentials of Atoms

Z Atom Ionization potential cp, V Z Atom Ionization potential cp, V

1 H 13.59 7 N 14.54

2 He 24.58 (^8 0) 13.62
3 Li 5.39 9 F 17.42
4 Be 9.32 10 Ne 21.56
5 B 8.30 (^11) Na 5.14
6 C 11.27 80 Hg 10.44

26. Mass of Light Atoms

27. Half-life Values of Radionuclides

Z Isotope Kind of decay Half-life

27 Cobalt Con 13 5.2 years
38 Strontium Sr 20 13 28 years
84 Polonium Po^210 a 138 days
86 Radon Rn 222 a 3.8 days
88 Radium lia 226 a 1620 years
92 Uranium U^238 a 4.5.10^9 years
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