28. Units of Physical Quantities
Names and symbols of certain quantities
A, ampere H, henry Oe, oersted
a.m.u., atomic h, hour Q, ohm
mass unit Hz, hertz P, poise
B, bel 7, joule Pa. pascal
b, barn K, kelvin rad, radian
C, coulomb 1, litre S, siemens
cd, candela lm, lumen s, second
D, diopter lx, lux sr, steradian
dyn, dyne m, metre St, stokes
eV, electron-volt min, minute T, tesla
F, farad mol, mole V, volt
G, gauss Mx, maxwell W, watt
g, gram N, newton Wb, weber
Decimal Prefixes
Factor Name of prefix Symbol Factor Name of prefix Symbol
1012 tera- T^10 -2^ centi- c
109 giga- G 10 -3 milli- m
106 mega- M 10-6 micro- 11
103 kilo- k 10 -9 nano- n
102 hecto- h 10 -12 pico- p
10 deca- da 10 -15 femto- f
10 -1 deci- d 10 -18 atto- a
SI and CGS Units
Physical quantity
Name of unit Conversion factor
SI CGS 1 SI unit/1 CGS unit
Length m cm 100
Time s s 1
Velocity m/s cm/s 100
Acceleration m/s 2 cm/s 2 100
Oscillation frequency Hz Hz 1
Angular velocity rad/s rad/s 1
Angular frequency s - 1 s-1 1
Mass kg g 103
Density kg/m 3 g/cm 3 10 -3
Force N dyn 105