Textbook of Elementary Physics.
Vol. II. Electricity and Magnetism
Edited by G. LANDSBERG, Mem. USSR
Acad. Sc.
This is the English translation of the tenth revised and enlarged edition
of one of the most popular textbooks on physics in the Soviet Union.
The distinguishing feature of this book is that it contains a detailed
description of the physical aspects of the processes and phenomena oc-
curring in nature and in everyday life. While preparing the present edi-
tion of this book, the authors have introduced the modern terminology
and the current system of units and measurements.
Intended as a textbook for lecturers and students of preparatory
faculties, high-school and polytechnical students, as well as for those
interested in self-education with a view to take entrance examinations
in physics at the university level.
Contents. Electric Charges. Electric Field. Direct Electric Current.
Thermal Effects of Current. Passage of Current Through Electrolytes.
Chemical and Thermal Generators. Passage of Current Through
Metals, Gases and Semiconductors. Magnetic Phenomena. Magnetic
Field. Magnetic Field of Electric Currents. Terrestrial Magnetic Field.
Forces Acting on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field.
Electromagnetic Induction. Magnetic Properties of Bodies. Alternating
Current. Generators and Electromagnets.