Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1
98 exploring techniques

focus & depth of field

selective focus is the best way of drawing the viewer’s
attention to the element in the image you want to highlight.
By making just that area sharp and blurring the rest, you
ensure the viewer’s eye goes immediately to it. You can
push this effect to its maximum by using a telephoto lens
set to its widest aperture, for example f/1.8, to create a very

shallow depth of field, or you can decide to use a smaller
aperture to allow more to be visible and give the viewer
a chance to interpret the image in different ways. Working
with a wide depth of field, keeping both subject and setting
sharp, invites the viewer’s eye to wander around the image
and discover the different elements within it.

Foreground focus at a wide depth of field
the focus is again on the earring, but, at f/16, it is no longer the only subject
of the image. the model may be looking at it—or at the me, forming a three-
point relationship between the earring, the model, and me (or the viewer).

Background focus at a wide depth of field
At f/16, with the focus on the model’s reflected face, the foreground earring
is visible but the viewer’s attention is directed to her eyes and her expression.
the image is now mainly about her emotions.

Foreground focus at a shallow depth of field
here the earring is the main focus of the image, shot at f/1.8. As her reflected
image is unclear, the model might be looking at her face—but because i chose
to make her earring the key element of the picture the viewer is led to suppose
she is looking specifically at that.

Background focus at a shallow depth of field
the focus is now on the model’s reflected image, specifically her eyes.
At an aperture of f/1.8 the earring close to the camera is now so blurred it’s
indistinguishable, and there is no indication whether the model is looking at
herself or at me—and thus out of the picture toward the viewer.
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