shArpness & Blur 103
Movement through the picture
You can either run with or behind the model, or, as above, choose
a specific spot and ask the model to run toward or away from you. in the
image below, the model came from behind, jumped over me, and carried
on down the corridor. to exaggerate her energetic movements, i moved
the camera quickly and sharply, to create a dramatic, lively blur.
Turning your camera
using a long exposure time, you can move the camera in specific ways to
create a variety of special effects. here, i turned the camera around, which gives
a circular blurring with a central point of sharper focus that attracts the viewer’s
attention. the ripplelike effect works well with the model’s dynamic pose—it
looks as though she is defining the direction of the motion blur with her body.
Using longer exposures
these images were taken with a wide-angle lens and a slow shutter speed.
As with the outdoor images opposite, i followed the model with my camera,
but the increased blurring and the use of a shorter lens has reduced the
appearance of sports photography and made the effect more impressionistic.