Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1


locations 121

Finding a location is easy; every place is

a location, and keeping an open mind will allow

you to explore your creativity. imagine your

favorite model against the rough, weathered wall

of an old barn, lying in soft, long grass, or in

sophisticated mode in an elegant hotel—each

location will tell a very different story to the

viewer. of course, stunning white beaches,

deserts, mountains, and

castles have an

immediate appeal, but

don’t be deterred by a

lack of them, for a small

room with a window is

enough to create

pleasing images—or

even just a door, stairs,

or a seat. You can

always find things that

are not beautiful, but look instead for what is

beautiful, even if it is only a tiny part of a place

Everywhere you go, be alert to interesting

possibilities for the future and if you spot a likely

location make notes or take a photograph, then

research practicalities such as ease of access

and whether you might need permission,

a ladder, additional lighting, or some form of

shelter for privacy. a library of locations will prove
invaluable when you are eager to explore an idea
or are commissioned to carry out a shoot.
as a rule, the more enclosed a location is,
the better: your model will feel more comfortable,
especially if he or she is an amateur. it’s a good
idea to make a few visits in advance, at different
times of the day, to find out how many passers-
by there might be; try to
go on sunny days so that
you can also see the
angle of light. if this isn’t
possible, take a compass
so that you can judge
whether, for example,
a late afternoon shoot will
give you the backlighting
you want in a landscape
Don’t forget that the
permission to take photographs is not the same
as permission to use them. if you are shooting
on private land or premises, don’t publish the
images unless you have obtained written
permission to do so—and be aware that
including paintings, statues, and other forms
of art in your image may raise issues of
copyright and royalties.

Look for what

is beautiful,

even if it is

only a tiny part

of a place.


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