128 exploring techniques
nudes & nature
What could be more inspiring than photographing outdoors,
surrounded by the beauty of nature? it’s one of my favorite
ways of working—but there are plenty of challenges involved.
it’s completely different from working inside, not least
because you are frequently at the mercy of the weather,
so being well prepared is essential. in certain environments
there will also be insects, dirt, and untamed vegetation to
contend with—so it won’t always be a comfortable
experience for your model! it’s important to remember
that simply putting your model into a natural setting is not
enough; you have to create a relationship between them.
Making a link
i often try to use the shapes found in nature
to create a link between the model and the
environment. in the image on the left i framed the
shot so that the oval of light between the trees
mirrored the shape of the plant. the connection is
made differently in the image above, with the pose
following the curved lines of path and plant.