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144 postproduction
applying filters
Most image editing software offers a huge range of filters for
creating subtle, unusual, and sometimes dramatic effects.
these are derived from lens filters, darkroom practices, and
other art forms. Filters can be great fun to play with, but,
as with most effects, they should be used in moderation, and
with a clear idea of how they can enhance the image. When
you find an effect you like, make a note of what you did or
save it in your software program so that you can replicate it.
Choosing filters
to experiment with filters, select an
image with a strongly graphic quality
and a play of light and shade.
1 the solarization effect is based
on the darkroom technique, but is
created here with cyan colors.
2 the film filter adds grain to an
image. it works especially well
smooth surfaces.
3 try using the stained-glass filter
and printing onto clear film to produce
an image that can be hung on a
window to imitate real stained glass.
4 the fresco filter looks most effective
when printed onto rough art paper.
5 Here, a series of different effects have been used; red and yellow
have been increased by 50 percent each; saturation has been pushed
to the maximum; contrast has been increased; and, finally, a watercolor
filter has been applied on top.