Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1





behind the scenes

i usually choose to work with self-confident, sensual models
with fit, muscled bodies and a positive attitude. Bojana
Nedic is an excellent example; her pierced tongue and lithe
body inspired me to daydream and to experiment with
some weird positions that required a model who was very

flexible, both physically and mentally. i wanted her body
to be as tight as a string, in a strong, sexy pose that would
push fantasy to the limit in the minds of the viewers. i didn’t
want her to be on the floor—i needed something more
dynamic, so we set up a cube for her to pose on.

192 PHoTograPHErS’ gallEry

10:22 After some relaxed chat with Bojana,
Jovana starts applying natural makeup.

10:59 A black backdrop and extra light stands
are ready in case i decide to use them.

11:07 Next to the heater, Bojana waits for oil to
be applied to her skin.

11:25 I check that my assistant has set up the
lighting as i requested.
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