Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1
author’s acknowledgements:
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed
in one way or the other to this book, and more specifically:
The publisher, dorling kindersley, for putting an almost
exclusively female team on the image selection, design,
and text editing, which gives this book its nicely sensual
touch; nicky Munro for her fantastic picture and text
editing, and lovely, motivating personality; Simon Tuite, for
the endearing way he kept everyone on track; Io Paschou
and diana Vowles for their great input to the history
section; and nancy Verbeke for her retouching and her
comments in the postproduction chapter; Su St. louis,
Sarah Arnold, lee Griffiths, Stephanie Farrow and all the
others for a pleasant and efficient cooperation; lynn &
Tony, Andreas, Sylvie, Almond, Giorgio, Allan, Ocean,

Gavin, Gabriele, and ragne, for their enthusiastic
participation in the book; my models Adam, Agnes, Alexia,
Aline, Anneke, Annelies d, Annelies V, Annelies VH,
Annemie, Aurélie, Aurély, Barbara G, Barbara V, Barbara W,
Bérengère, Betty, Cindy, daisy, daria, donna, elf, ellen,
eloise, els, emmanuelle, erzsi, Fanny, Fran, Frank,
Frédéric, Géraldine, Ilona, Ineke, Jade, Jasmien, Jella,
Jennifer, Jill, Johan, Jonathan, Joke, Jothi, Joy, Julie, katja,
kenza, kim, kimberly, klara, krisje, kristien, kylian, laure-
Anne, leen, linda V, linda W, lotte, lucy, Maite, Marie-
Aude, Marion, Marjolijn, Mitali, Myra, natalie, nathalie,
nele, nelly, Paulina, Sandra, Sarah, Sarina, Shanya, Sindy,
Sofie A, Sofie G, Stephanie, Susi, Sylvie, Tine B, Tine H,
Thida, Tobias, Vanina, Veerle, Veronica, Virginie, Zsuzsi,

Zuri; thanks also to lee Griffiths, Iona Thijs, and Andy
Mitchell for the “making of” images; Bert Verlinden and
Marnix Vermeulen for scans and prints; Jos Brands
(bodypaint); Hugo Gits (Gits Jewellery); Tjonca Siu
(Chess Café); Chris de dobbeleer; Jos van lierop; Guido
Bammens (ku leuven, Salve Mater); Vic Haenen (Virix);
rony Broun (Cunard lines), and all the other people who
have given me access to wonderful locations; The Belgian
and european Federations of Professional Photographers
(nVBF and FeP); Adobe Benelux; Belgian Fuji Agency;
nikon Belgium; And of course a big
thank you to nadia, and my family, the beloved who
have supported me during the production of this book,
and before!


256 ACknOWledGeMenTS

publisher’s acknowledgements:
dorling kindersley would like to thank Steve Willis, for color
correction in the Technical Choices section; Adam
Brackenbury, for additional retouching in the
Postproduction section; liz Moore and Sarah Hopper for

picture research; for the index, Cnris Bernstein; for proof
reading, Tracie davis; for Americanizing, Jane Perlmutter;
Models Sarina Carruthers (jacket) and Adam Monnsen;
Stephen McIlmoyle, hair and makeup artist (jacket); and

a huge thanks to nigel Wright for the reportage
photography for the Photographers’ Gallery section
(a true photographer in the making!).

Gallery photographers acknowlegements:
lyn Balzer and tony perkins thank Siannon and all their
models for sharing their vision; their producer, Grant navin,
for making it all happen; and katie lee, for doing Siannon’s
hair and makeup.
andreas Bitesnich would like to thank Micky Friedmann
for modeling, Werner linsberger for assisting, and
Anthony Gayton for hairstyling.
sylvie Blum wishes to thank Ashley ringsletter (model),
Jennifer Fiamengo (makeup), and Philip Haban
(assistant), and a special thanks to her friend
renée Jacobs.
almond Chu would like to thank Ann Mak (producer),
Ivan lee (makeup and hair), Alana Wong (model), Chu Chi

Sing and eddie Chan (photo assistants) for their
assistance on the shoot, and danny Chau of Chaudigital
ltd london for the digital enhancement. last but
not the least, nude no. 5 is reproduced courtesy of
Osage Gallery.
Giorgio Gruizza wishes to thank his associates and
great friends Jovana Vranesevic (makeup artist),
dragan krstic (laboratory technician), and Bojana nedic
(model) for their patience, understanding, and help
during the shoot for this book; and katarina, for love,
faith, and support.
allan Jenkins would like to thank Valeria dragova for
her incredible patience and dedication to the art of
posing nude.

ocean Morisset would like to give a big thanks to
his friend Thomas Atkins II for the use of his
beautiful apartment.
Gavin o’neill wishes to thank Amani Faiz (assistant),
elsa Morgan (makeup), and Aliénor Balland (model).
Gabriele rigon extends grateful thanks to Valentina
Piccini for acting as his model and to nigel Wright for
helping to make it such an enjoyable shoot.
ragne Kristine sigmond would like to thank the
model kala kristiansen and the makeup artist and
hairdresser Trine Juul nørskov; also knud erik
Jakobsen for permission to photograph at the
medieval castle, Middelaldergården Østergaard, at
Åsted in denmark.

picture acknowledgements:
The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind
permission to reproduce their photographs:

key: a-above; b-below/bottom; c-center; l-left; r-right; t-top

7 Art+Commerce: © Horst P. Horst (tr). 10 réunion
des Musées nationaux Agence Photographique:
Photo rMn - © Hervé lewandowski (r). Telimage: © Man
ray Trust/AdAGP, Paris and dACS, london 2007. (l).
11 Art+Commerce: © Horst P. Horst. 12 Société française
de photographie: (image is a retouched reproduction). 13
réunion des Musées nationaux Agence Photographique:

Photo rMn - © droits réservés. 14 Corbis: Bettmann. 15
Musée de l’elysée: lehnert & landrock, Cairo. 16 réunion
des Musées nationaux Agence Photographique: Photo
rMn—© Hervé lewandowski. 17 réunion des Musées
nationaux Agence Photographique: Photo CnAC/MnAM
dist./Jean-Claude lanchet. 18 Telimage: © Man ray Trust/
AdAGP, Paris and dACS, london 2007. 19 (c) Bill Brandt/
Bill Brandt Archive ltd. 20 leni riefenstahl Produktion. 21
Christie’s Images ltd.: Harry Callahan estate. 22
Art+Commerce: © Horst P. Horst. 23 réunion des
Musées nationaux Agence Photographique: Photo CnAC/
MnAM dist. rMn/Philippe Migeat/© AdAGP, Paris

and dACS, london 2007. 24 Arno rafael Minkkinen. 25
réunion des Musées nationaux Agence Photographique:
Photo CnAC/MnAM dist. rMn - © Philippe Migeat. 26
ralph Gibson ( 27 © lucien
Clergue. 28-29 Art+Commerce: © Steven Meisel,
courtesy Advertising Archives.

All other images © dorling kindersley
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