46 defining styles & approaches
overcoming limitations
i like to think of limitations not as a handicap but as a gift; a
framework for creativity. Working with limited resources will
give you a positive attitude: you will look at the possibilities
offered by any model or location instead of focusing on
imperfections and restrictions. you will find the beauty and
charm of every model, every place, and every light—and
that will make you a happier and better photographer. if you
can learn to work in a humble way you will be better able
to make the most of any photographic opportunity and
meet any challenge that comes your way.
Cluttered backgrounds
perhaps you don’t even have an
empty room like the one above.
household clutter can be a
distraction in an image, but there
are ways of working around it. in
the image on the far right i simply
used my model to obliterate the
view of the living room, and in the
one on the right i placed her in the
lightest spot to draw the eye to her.
however, a cluttered environment is
often an authentic one, and can be
great for nude portraits.
One room, no props
here are two images taken in this simple little room,
with no additional light. Just a room and a window
offer plenty of opportunities for a successful
session. get your model to gaze out of the window,
shoot into the light to make silhouettes, ask her
to lie on the floor and shoot all around her, get her
to curl up in a corner... if your location is limited, let
your mind be free!