90 exploring techniques
lighting the pose
pose, expression, and light are the three key elements
in nude photography, in fact in any “people” photography.
When these elements support each other the images gain
strength. You can either adapt your light to the pose you
want to shoot, or adapt the pose and expression to the light
that you have available: soft light for romantic poses, hard
light for drama, and so on. look at the intensity of the light, its
direction and color temperature, and experiment. sometimes
simply asking the model to turn toward, or deliberately away
from, the light source will improve your image.
Romantic poses
here i have used the light from a large “softbox,” in this case a window with
northern light (light entering the shadow side of a building, with no sunbeams).
i used only one light source; using a second would not only have killed the nice
dark shadows, but also the natural, authentic feel.
1 the model’s face is turned away from the light, strengthening the
dreamy, introspective nature of her pose.
2 the soft light, falling at 90 degrees, creates a discreet play of muted
light and shadows on the body.