Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1
poses 91

Angular poses
these moody and dynamic poses
have been caught with the hard light
from a halogen spot. i took the image
on the left using a wide-angle lens to
get in really close, so you feel you are
almost part of the scene. the cluttered
background in the image on the far left
disturbs me as much as it gives me
a feeling of authenticity.

Dramatic expression
shanya’s intense expression is
enhanced by lighting her from
below so that her face receives the
strongest light. she is making direct
eye contact with the viewer, whose
own eyes are immediately drawn
to hers. in this image you feel that
the light and model have been
brought together especially to
create this theatrical effect.

Adapting the pose
similar subjects can be lit very
differently to create very different
images. Bright, sunny light on the
far left enhances the model’s happy,
outgoing pose, while the soft,
unobtrusive light on the model on
the left suits the more mysterious feel
of the image. When i am working on
location i always ask my models to
adapt their poses and expressions
to the changing light conditions.
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