Esme's Recipe Book

(Greg DeLong) #1


serves 2-3


2 medium zucchinis
2 tablespoons olive oil
pinch sea salt
3 ripe tomatoes
fresh basil, cilantro and/or spinach leafs.


  1. Using a mandolin, cheese slicer or veggie peeler cut long strips of zucchini (as if you
    would put them on a grill).

  2. Put all zucchini strips in a bowl and add olive oil and salt and mix.

  3. Let stand to marinate for about 30 minutes. This will soften the zucchini.

  4. In the mean time, prepare the ketchup and vegan cheese. Make about 1⁄2-1 cup of

  5. Cut the tomatoes in slices.

  6. Now, take out the zucchini and put on a paper towel to drain any excessive oil or

  7. In a glass or ceramic square bowl (like one you'd use for making lasagna) line the
    bottom with a layer of zucchini. They should overlap each other slightly so that you
    can scoop them out without your lasagna falling apart.

  8. Then add a layer of ketchup, some slices of tomato and basil, cilantro or spinach

  9. Add a thin layer or a few dots of vegan cheese.

  10. Again add a layer of zucchini, ketchup, tomato, green leafs, vegan cheese.

  11. Repeat one more time. Thus total of 3 layers.

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