Way to go - final version

(natthansimoes) #1

To rain /rained = chover
To ask / asked = perguntar
To chill out / chilled out = relaxar
To accept / accepted = aceitar

Nathan - Do you think it will rain today?
Klindy - Hmmm, I don't know. It looks like it will rain.
Nathan - I hope it doens't rain. I'm going to go the beach
this afternoon with my friends.
Klindy - I think it won't rain now. The sun will come
Nathan - I hope you're right... Hey, what are you going to
do tomorrow?
Klindy- I don't know yet. Maybe I'll be just chilling at
home. Why?
Nathan - My friends and I are going to visit a new club
near our school. Do you wanna come with us?
Klindy - That sounds good. I'll think about it.
Nathan - Let me know then.

back to the future (^3311)
Will it rain?
Beach = praia
Rain = chuva
Sun = sol
Tomorrow = amanhã
Tonight = hoje à noite / esta noite
Next = próximo
To give / gave = dar
To invite / invited = convidar
To leave / left = deixar / sair/ ir embora
To arrive / arrived = chegar
Holiday = feriado
Flight = voo
Question = pergunta
Maybe = talvez
Probably = provavelmente
A decision at the moment of speaking:
Julie: There's no milk.
John: Really? In that case, I'll go and get some.
A prediction based on opinion:
I think the Conservatives will win the next election.
A future fact:
The sun will rise tomorrow.
For promises / requests / refusals / offers:
I'll help you tomorrow, if you like.
A decision before the moment of speaking:
Julie: There's no milk.
John: I know. I'm going to go and get some when
this TV programme finishes.
A prediction based on something we can
see (or hear) now:
The Conservatives are going to win the election.
They already have most of the votes.
Action that indicates certainty or that has
been planned.
If needed, check translation on page 162

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