Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

Middle Offset


You want to align an element and its content to an offset from the vertical middle of its
closest positioned ancestor.


To create a middle-offset sized absolute element, you can use the Middle-aligned
Sized Absolute Element pattern and set top to the desired offset and set bottom to the
inverse of the desired offset.
To create a middle-offset stretched absolute element, you can use the Middle-
aligned Stretched Absolute Element pattern and add the desired offset to margin-top
and subtract the desired offset from margin-bottom.
An inline element can’t be middle-offset.
A static element can’t be middle-offset.
A shrinkwrapped element can’t be middle-offset.

Patterns Middle-offset sized absolute element

SELECTOR { position:absolute; height:+VALUE;
margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:0;
top:±VALUE; bottom:±VALUE; }
where top = top + OFFSET and bottom = bottom – OFFSET

Middle-offset stretched absolute element

SELECTOR { position:absolute; height:auto;
margin-top:±VALUE; margin-bottom:±VALUE;
top:0; bottom:0; }
where margin-top = margin-top + OFFSET
and margin-bottom = margin-bottom – OFFSET

Location This pattern works only on absolute elements.


Internet Explorer 6 can’t middle-align absolute elements. Version 7 can middle-align
stretched absolute elements but not sized absolute elements. Both issues have been
resolved in versions 8 and 9.


This example is the same as the middle-aligned example, except it’s offset by 60 pixels.
The first two divisions are sized absolute elements. I offset them from the middle by
setting top to an offset of 60 pixels and bottom to the inverse offset of –60 pixels. The
last two divisions are stretched absolute elements. I vertically centered them by
assigning them to a margin-top and margin-bottom of 90 pixels. I then offset them
from the middle by adding 60 pixels to margin-top to create a value of 150px, and
subtracting 60 pixels from margin-bottom to create a value of 30px.

Related to

Center Offset, Top Aligned, Bottom Aligned; Static, Absolute (Chapter 7); Sized,
Shrinkwrapped, Stretched (Chapter 5)
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