Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

to shrinkwrapped tables when assigned cell widths stretch them to the width of
their containers.

  • Percentage-Proportioned Columns shows how to distribute a table’s width
    among its columns proportionally to the percentage assigned to the width of each
    column. In this design pattern, a browser does not necessarily render a column at
    its assigned percentage of the table’s width. Instead, it renders a column
    proportionally to the percentages assigned to other columns. This pattern applies
    to sized, stretched, and fixed tables.

  • Inverse-Proportioned Columns shows how to size columns in proportion to
    their content. For example, a cell can be sized to be double the width of its
    content. This pattern applies to shrinkwrapped tables.

  • Equal Content-Sized Columns shows how to automatically shrink a table to its
    smallest possible width while sizing all columns equally. In other words, it sets all
    columns to the same width while using the smallest possible width that will
    display each cell’s content. It creates compact tables with uniform columns. It
    works best with tables containing numbers and short text. This pattern applies to
    shrinkwrapped tables.

  • Equal-Sized Columns shows how to automatically divide a table’s width into
    equal proportions for each cell. This pattern applies to sized, stretched, and fixed

  • Undersized Columns shows how to create columns that are narrower than their
    content. This pattern applies to fixed tables.

  • Flex Columns shows how to create dynamically sized columns alongside fixed-
    width or percentage-width columns. These columns fill in the space not taken by
    sized or percentage cells. As a table’s container grows or shrinks, so do flex
    columns. This pattern is most useful when applied to stretched and fixed tables,
    but also applies to sized tables.

  • Mixed Column Layouts shows how to combine fixed-width, percentage-width,
    and auto-width columns to create additional layouts. It shows how browsers
    assign different priorities to fixed-width, percentage-width, and auto-width
    columns depending on whether a table is shrinkwrapped, sized, stretched, or

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