Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1


CSS Properties and Values: Layout

Float applies to all except cells and rows.
float: none, left, right

Clear applies to all except inlines, inline-blocks, cells, & rows.
clear: none, left, right, both

Positioned applies to all except cells and rows.
position: static, relative; absolute, fixed
left: auto, LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock
right: auto, LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock
top: auto, LENGTH, %HeightOfContainingBlock
bottom: auto, LENGTH, %HeightOfContainingBlock
z-index: auto, INTEGER

Horizontal Margin applies to all except cells and rows.
margin: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock, auto
margin-left: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock, auto
margin-right: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock, auto

Vertical Margin applies to all except inlines, cells, and rows.
margin: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock, auto
margin-top: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock, auto
margin-bottom: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock, auto

Width applies to all except inlines and rows.
width: auto, LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock
min-width: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock
max-width: none, LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock

Height applies to all except inlines and tables.
height: auto, LENGTH, %HeightOfContainingBlock
min-height: 0 , LENGTH, %HeightOfContainingBlock
max-height: none, LENGTH, %HeightOfContainingBlock

Content Layout applies to all except inlines, tables, and rows.
i text-indent: 0 , LENGTH, %WidthOfContainingBlock
i text-align: left, center, right, justify
overflow: visible, hidden, auto, scroll
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