Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

Float Divider

Problem You want to put a divider between two sets of floats or between floats and content—much
like how you would put a line break or a horizontal rule in the normal flow. You want to
control how much space the divider inserts, and you want to style it with borders and

Solution You can add clear:both to the Horizontal Rule design pattern, which is an empty division
styled with width, height, and margin to control how much space it inserts. You can use
font-size:1px and line-height:1px to ensure that Internet Explorer 6 doesn’t expand its
height beyond the height you specify. You can also use border and/or background to style
the divider’s line.
Instead of inserting a float divider, you may want to add a unique ID to an existing element
and style it with clear:both.



CSS .float-divider { clear:both; font-size:1px; line-height:1px;
height:+VALUE; width:+VALUE;
margin-left:±VALUE; margin-right:±VALUE;
margin-top:+VALUE; margin-bottom:+VALUE;
border-bottom:WIDTH STYLE COLOR;
background-repeat:REPEAT_OPTIONS; }

Location This pattern works anywhere a division can be located.

Advantages A float divider is modular and self-documenting. Its borders, background, and margins are
self-contained, which simplifies the stylesheet and avoids styles being overridden by the
cascade order. You can quickly and easily reposition a float divider between any two
elements to change the layout.
When a block is collapsed because all its children are floated, you can use a float divider to
expand the block to encompass its floated children. This is an essential technique explored
in the Fluid Layout design pattern.

Tip A float divider can be an inline element as long as you display it as a block (display:block).

Related to Fluid Layout; Floated Box (Chapter 4); Margin, Border, Padding, Background (Chapter 6);
Float and Clear (Chapter 7); Spacing, Inline Spacer, Linebreak, Inline Horizontal Rule
(Chapter 11); Horizontal Rule, Block Spacer (Chapter 13)

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