Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

CSS, 194
HTML, 194
limitations, 195
location, 195
margin-top, 195
patterns, 195
top-aligned element, 195
Positioning Models, 129

Absolute, 142
advantages, 143
CSS, 142
disadvantages, 143
HTML coding, 142
limitations, 143
Mozilla Firefox, 142
normal flow, 143
position ancestor, 143
selector, 143
automatic rendering, 139
CSS, 138
HTML coding, 138
inline content, 139
Internet Explorer 6, 139
limitations, 139
Mozilla Firefox, 138
selector, 139
static blocks, 139
basic properties, 131
Closest Positioned Ancestor, 134
advantages, 135
CSS, 134
HTML coding, 134
limitaions and disadvantages, 135
location, 135
Mozilla Firefox, 134
pattern, 135
self-contained layout, 135
CSS, 130
absolute size, 145
advantages and disadvantages, 145
CSS, 144
fixed elements, 145
HTML coding, 144
Internet Explorer 6, 145
Mozilla Firefox, 144
selector, 145

viewport, 145
Float and Clear, 148–149
HTML coding, 130
layouts, 131
Mozilla Firefox, 130
Positioned type, 132
ancestor, 133
CSS, 132
HTML coding, 132
left and right side element, 133
limitations, 133
location, 133
positive values, 133
selector, 133
Relative, 146
CSS, 146
float, 147
HTML coding, 146
Internet Explorer 7, 147
Mozilla Firefox, 146
normal flow, 147
offset, 147
selector, 147
Relative Float
advantages, 151
CSS, 150
HTML coding, 150
inline content, 151
Mozilla Firefox, 150
six types, 131
Stacking Context, 136
browser, 137
control, z-order, 137
CSS, 136
elements control, 137
Firefox, 137
HTML coding, 136
layer rendering, 137
numeric z-index, 137
Opera, 136
block element, 141
CSS, 140
HTML coding, 140
inline element, 141
Mozilla Firefox, 140
normal flow, 141
top and bottom margin, 141
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