Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Second Edition

(Brent) #1
boundaries rather than the hard-edged cutoff implied by the k-nearest-neighbor
rule, in which any particular example is either “in” or “out” of the decision.
With such a measure, given a test instance whose class is unknown, its dis-
tance to the set of all training instances in each class in turn is calculated, and
the closest class is chosen. It turns out that nominal and numeric attributes can
be treated in a uniform manner within this transformation-based approach by
defining different transformation sets, and it is even possible to take account of
unusual attribute types—such as degrees of arc or days of the week, which are
measured on a circular scale.


Nearest-neighbor methods gained popularity in machine learning through the
work of Aha (1992), who showed that, when combined with noisy exemplar
pruning and attribute weighting, instance-based learning performs well in com-
parison with other methods. It is worth noting that although we have described
it solely in the context of classification rather than numeric prediction prob-
lems, it applies to these equally well: predictions can be obtained by combining
the predicted values of the knearest neighbors and weighting them by distance.
Viewed in instance space, the standard rule- and tree-based representations
are only capable of representing class boundaries that are parallel to the axes
defined by the attributes. This is not a handicap for nominal attributes, but it
is for numeric ones. Non-axis-parallel class boundaries can only be approxi-
mated by covering the region above or below the boundary with several
axis-parallel rectangles, the number of rectangles determining the degree of
approximation. In contrast, the instance-based method can easily represent
arbitrary linear boundaries. Even with just one example of each of two classes,
the boundary implied by the nearest-neighbor rule is a straight line of arbitrary
orientation, namely the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the examples.
Plain instance-based learning does not produce explicit knowledge repre-
sentations except by selecting representative exemplars. However, when com-
bined with exemplar generalization, a set of rules can be obtained that may be
compared with those produced by other machine learning schemes. The rules
tend to be more conservative because the distance metric, modified to incor-
porate generalized exemplars, can be used to process examples that do not fall
within the rules. This reduces the pressure to produce rules that cover the whole
example space or even all of the training examples. On the other hand, the incre-
mental nature of most instance-based learning methods means that rules are
formed eagerly, after only part of the training set has been seen; and this
inevitably reduces their quality.
We have not given precise algorithms for variants of instance-based learning
that involve generalization because it is not clear what the best way to do gen-


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