Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Second Edition

(Brent) #1
with all probabilities conditioned on the class value. This is because the search
algorithm defaults to K2 with the maximum number of parents of a node set
to one. Reconfiguring this to three by clicking on K2in the configuration panel
yields the more interesting network in Figure 10.18(b). Clicking on a node
shows its probability distribution—Figure 10.18(c) is obtained by clicking on
the windynode in Figure 10.18(b).


Of the tree classifiers in Table 10.5 we have already seen how to use J4.8, which
reimplements C4.5 (Section 6.1). To see the options, click the line beside the
Choosebutton in Figure 10.4(b) to bring up the object editor in Figure 10.19.
You can build a binary tree instead of one with multiway branches. You can set





Figure 10.18Visualizing a Bayesian network for the weather data (nominal version): (a)
default output, (b) a version with the maximum number of parents set to 3 in the search
algorithm, and (c) probability distribution table for the windynode in (b).
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