Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Second Edition

(Brent) #1


relational data, 49
relational rules, 74
relations, 73–75
relative absolute error, 177–179
relative error figures, 177–179
relative squared error, 177, 178
ReliefFAttributeEval, 422
religious discrimination, illegal, 35
remoteEngine.jar, 446
remote.policy, 446
Remove, 382
RemoveFolds, 400
RemovePercentage, 401
RemoveRange, 401
RemoveType, 397
RemoveUseless, 397
RemoveWithValues, 401
repeated holdout, 150
ReplaceMissingValues, 396, 398
replicated subtree problem, 66–68
REPTree, 407–408
Resample, 400, 403
residuals, 325
resubstitution error, 145
Ridor, 409
RIPPER rule learner, 205–214
ripple-down rules, 214
robo-soccer, 358
robust regression, 313–314
ROC curve, 168–171, 172
root mean-squared error, 178, 179
root relative squared error, 178, 179
root squared error measures, 177–179
rote learning, 76, 354
row separation, 336
antecedent, 65
association, 69–70, 112–119
classification.Seeclassification rules
consequent, 65
decision lists, 111–112
double-consequent, 118
exceptions, with, 70–72, 210–213
good (worthwhile), 202–205

nearest-neighbor, 78–79
numeric prediction, 251
order of (decision list), 67
partial decision trees, 207–210
propositional, 73
relational, 74
relations, and, 73–75
single-consequent, 118
trees, and, 107, 198
Weka, 408–409
rule-based programming, 82
rules involving relations, 73–75
rules with exceptions, 70–73, 210–213

sample problems.Seeexample problems
sampling with replacement, 152
satellite images, evaluating, 23
ScatterPlotMatrix, 430
schemata search, 295
scheme-independent attribute selection,
scheme-specific attribute selection, 294–296
scientific applications, 28
scoring networks, 277–280, 283
SDR (Standard Deviation Reduction), 245
search bias, 33–34
search engine spam, 357
search methods in Weka, 421, 423–425
segment-challenge.arff, 389
segment-test.arff, 389
Select attributespanel, 392–393
selective Naïve Bayes, 296
semantic relation, 349
semantic Web, 355
semisupervised learning, 337
sensitivity, 173
separate-and-conquer technique, 112, 200
sequential boosting-like scheme, 347
sequential minimal optimization (SMO)
algorithm, 410
setOptions(), 482
sexual discrimination, illegal, 35
shapes problem, 73
sigmoid function, 227, 228

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