Estimating in Building Construction

(Barré) #1



he seventh edition continues to build on the strong
foundation of the previous editions. The need for
estimators to understand the theory behind quan-
tification is critical and must be fully understood prior to
performing any computerized estimating. This underlying
premise has been one of the guiding principles that began
with Mr. Dagostino and continues with the current author.
This edition uses extensive examples and exercises to demon-
strate methodology and to the organization of the estimate.
Estimating is an art that relies heavily on the judgment of the
person performing the takeoff. A person’s estimating skills
can only be developed with practice; therefore, the reader is
encouraged to work the example problems and apply the
skills taught in this book. Since the estimate is used through-
out the project, the assumptions and methodologies assumed
must be documented and organized so that subsequent users
will have access to this knowledge.


The intent of this revision is to expand the estimating mate-
rial covered by this book and to bring other material in line
with current industry practices. The following is a list of key
changes and additions that have been made to this edition:

 The discussion of the different types of estimates (e.g.,
square foot and parametric estimates) has been
expanded in Chapter 1.

 A chapter discussing the project comparison method,
square-foot estimating, and assembly estimating has been
added at the end of the book as Chapter 21.
 The term “specifications” has been replaced with “project
manual” when referring to the book that accompanies
the plans and includes the contract documents and other
information as well as the technical specifications. The
term “specifications” is used to refer to the technical
specification. This was done to be consistent with prac-
tices of the Construction Specifications Institute.
 A chapter providing an overview of the use of comput-
ers in construction estimating has been added as
Chapter 5.
 A discussion of how to determine labor burden has been
added to Chapter 7 (formerly Chapter 6).
 A discussion of how to determine labor productivity has
been added to Chapter 7 (formerly Chapter 6).
 The term “work hour” has been replaced with the more
commonly used term “labor hour” throughout the book.
 The use of published estimating data, such as RS Means,
has been added to Chapters 7 and 21.
I thank the following for their insightful reviews: Frederick
E. Gould, Roger Williams University; Donald E. Mulligan,
Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University; and Wayne
Reynolds, Eastern Kentucky State University.
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