How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

“I liked Tim when we first met”: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 88.
“Al got greatly preoccupied”: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”
“I suppose there is little hope”: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 191.
“using hallucinogens for seductions”: Weil, “Strange Case of the Harvard Drug Scandal.”
“Yes, sir, I did”: Lattin, Harvard Psychedelic Club, 94.
Alpert and Leary appear to be: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams.
“an undergraduate group”: Weil, “Strange Case of the Harvard Drug Scandal.”
“given to him” by Marshall McLuhan: Strauss, Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead, location 352.
“The kids who take LSD”: This quotation appears in a video made by Retro Report, available here:
With Ken Kesey, the CIA had turned on: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 124.
“by blurring the boundaries”: Grob, “Psychiatric Research with Hallucinogens.”
“the drugs to themselves”: Grinker, “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.”
“rendering their conclusions biased”: Grinker, “Bootlegged Ecstasy.”
“aura of magic”: Cole and Katz, “Psychotomimetic Drugs,” 758.
“the transcendental into psychiatry”: Eisner, “Remembrances of LSD Therapy Past,” 112.
But when the study was later discredited: Presti and Beck, “Strychnine and Other Enduring Myths,”
For his first study: Cohen, “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.”
“the dangers of suicide”: Cohen and Ditman, “Complications Associated with Lysergic Acid
Diethylamide (LSD-25),” 162.
In another paper published: Cohen and Ditman, “Prolonged Adverse Reactions to Lysergic Acid
A fourth article: Cohen, “Classification of LSD Complications.”
feverish cover story: Moore and Schiller, “Exploding Threat of the Mind Drug That Got out of
“LSD has been your Frankenstein”: Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 109.
“Why if [these projects] were worthwhile”: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 93.
“four men lay, their minds literally expanding”: Fadiman, Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, 186.
Someone made a videotape of the event: And it’s available on YouTube:
he’s traveled from Casa Grande: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”

there are three things human beings are afraid of: Quoted in Epstein, Thoughts Without a Thinker,
three thousand patients and trained 150 guides: Stolaroff, Secret Chief Revealed, 28, 59.
“laid the Torah across my chest”: Ibid., 36.
“Many times I’d be in much agony”: Ibid., 61.
“Just leave ’em alone!”: Ibid., 50.
surveying their musical practices: Barrett et al., “Qualitative and Quantitative Features of Music
Reported to Support Peak Mystical Experiences During Psychedelic Therapy Sessions.”
“forms of consciousness entirely different”: James, Varieties of Religious Experience, 377.
“For the moment that interfering neurotic”: Huxley, Doors of Perception, 53.
“the totality of the awareness belonging to Mind at Large”: Ibid., 24.
“of being overwhelmed, of disintegrating”: Ibid., 55.
“If one always saw like this”: Ibid., 34–35.
“Standing on the bare ground”: Emerson, Nature, 13.
“Swiftly arose and spread around me”: Whitman, Leaves of Grass, 29.

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