How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

Carhart-Harris’s theory on, 312 –13, 314
of children, 323 –28
and default mode network (DMN), 302 , 306 , 307
expanding repertoire of, 408 –9
expansion and contraction of, 322 –23
and Huxley’s “reducing valve” concept, 161 –62, 289 , 307 , 313 , 322
hypnagogic consciousness, 252
Jesse on, 41
lantern vs. spotlight, 325
Leary on, 187
and meditation, 408 –9
neuroscience of, 293 –95, 302 , 305 –6, 307 –9, 311 –14, 322 –23
and our perceptions of reality, 137
and paradox of psilocybin, 85
philosophical approach to, 294
preconceptions, 308
as product of brain, 41 , 265
as property of the universe, 56 , 264 , 314
and quantum mechanics, 413 –14
scientific evidence for, 348 –49
and trepanation, 298
universal desire to change, 13
value of altered states of, 406 –9
conviction associated with mystical experiences, 41 , 70 –71
Cordyceps, 89 , 96 –97
Cosimano, Mary, 61 , 73
Costa, José Gabriel da, 27 –28
Council on Spiritual Practices (CSP), 43 , 49 –51, 228
and computer technology, 183 –84, 183n
do-it-yourself approach of, 215
and Eastern religion, 205
efforts to distance psychedelic research from, 84
and generation gap, 215 –16
and Hubbard, 181 , 181n, 200
inevitability of, 215 –16
and Kesey’s Acid Tests, 206 –7
and Leary, 203 –4, 205
negative associations of, 58
and Nixon administration, 58
psychedelics’ link to, 205 , 215 –16
and “psychedelics” term, 19
and Ram Dass, 205
and researchers, 215
rise of, 3
and upheavals of the sixties, 205 –7, 215 –16, 315
and Vietnam War, 215
Coyne, James, 350n
creative imagination, 156 , 175 , 179 , 183 , 319
cultural revolution, 175 , 197 , 205 –7. See also counterculture

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