How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

and default mode network (DMN), 304 –5, 351
and Griffiths’s landmark paper, 10
in Hofmann’s trip, 24
and mystical experiences, 389
and noetic quality, 42
and Pollan’s psychedelic journeys, 252 , 263 –65, 270 –71, 277
and spirituality, 288 , 390
therapeutic value of, 389 –90
volunteers’ accounts of, 65 –66
Einstein, Albert, 367
Eisner, Betty
on Cohen’s “unsanity,” 154
and Hubbard, 171 , 174
and LSD therapy, 156
paranormal interests of, 208
and West Coast research hub, 152 –53
Eliot, T. S., 136
emergency room admissions, 14 , 209 –10
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 136 , 286
access to difficult, 379 –80
and cancer patient research, 351 –52, 353
inhibited by default mode network, 307
and quieting of default mode network, 317
Engelbart, Doug, 179 , 179n, 183 –84
engineers’ use of psychedelics, 182
English, William, 179
entheogens, 19 , 103
entropic brain theory
and aging, 321
and children’s brains, 312 , 323 –28
and communications within brain, 316 –20, 318 –19
and evolution of default mode network, 312
and excess order in brain, 313 , 315 , 385
and expansion/contraction of consciousness, 322 –23
and grand unified theory of mental illness, 385
and quieting of default mode network, 313 –14, 316 –20
and spectrum of cognitive states, 313 , 315 , 385
and value of psychedelics, 313 –14, 315 , 385
environment, attitudes toward, 315 –16, 359
environment, personal, 372 –73
environment of psychedelic experiences
and bad trips, 152
and criticisms of psychedelic therapy, 207 –8
Hubbard’s role in, 164 , 169 –70, 190
and Osmond and Hoffer’s research, 151 , 152 , 163 –64
and “set and setting” concepts, 14 , 53 , 151 , 190 , 207 –8
ergot, 22 –23, 84
Esalen Institute, 47 –48, 49 –51
European Medicines Agency (EMA), 376 –77

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