How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

Galerina autumnalis, 94
mycelial networks of, 84n, 90 –91, 118 , 122
and mycoremediation, 88
Stamets’s advocacy for, 87 –90
See also Psilocybes
Fungi Perfecti operation of Stamets, 86n, 126

Gaia hypothesis, 359
Galerina autumnalis, 94
Gates, Bill, 175
Ginsberg, Allen, 193 –94, 203 , 205
Gitlin, Todd, 216
God experiences, 71 , 343 , 344 , 345 , 371 –72
Goldsmith, George, 398 –99, 400 –401
Good Friday (Marsh Chapel) Experiment, 45 –46, 60 , 80 –81, 191 –92
Gopnik, Alison, 323 –28, 329
Gottlieb, Sidney, 172n
Grant, Cary, 157
Graves, Robert, 107
Grey, Alex, 125
Griffiths, Roland
on applications for well people, 404 –5
on authenticity questions, 76 , 348 –49
on authority of experiences, 365
awakening of, 33
background of, 31 –34
career success of, 78
commitment to research, 77
on death, 79 –80
and depression research, 375 –76
and Jesse, 38 , 51 –52
on longterm changes in openness, 319 –20
on meaning associated with psychedelic experiences, 75
mushroom medallions of, 82 –83
mysteries and uncertainties embraced by, 75 , 79 , 80
on preparing volunteers for trials, 64
“Psilocybin Can Occasion Mystical-Type Experiences Having Substantial and Sustained
Personal Meaning and Spiritual Significance,” 10 –11, 29 –30
and psilocybin trials at Hopkins, 60 , 62 , 65 , 79 , 360
on research at Spring Grove, 56
and Richards, 53
on Schuster, 50
spiritual emphasis of, 62
on “threats” of psychedelics, 59
Grinker, Roy, 208 , 211
Grob, Charles
on “applied mysticism,” 207 , 334
on first wave research, 333
and MDMA trials, 48

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