How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

and shamanic paradigm, 208 , 334
Grof, Stanislav
on American values, 58 –59
on amplification effects of psychedelics, 159
on birth experiences, 155
and California Institute of Integral Studies, 232
at Esalen Institute, 47
and guides, 225 , 230 , 240
Realms of the Human Unconscious, 297
and Richards, 53
at Spring Grove, 57 , 218
and terminal patients, 339
group settings, psychedelics in, 405
Guatemala, 114 –15
and bad trips, 405
code of ethics, 229
and future of psychedelics, 402 –3
guidelines and protocols of, 226 –27, 230 , 230n
and integration of journey, 250 –52, 269 –71, 282 , 364 , 402 , 405 –6
interviews with, 231 –35
personal experiences with psychedelics, 227
in Pollan’s psychedelic journeys, 237 –41, 242 , 254 –57, 272 –74
in psychedelic underground, 223 –30
qualifications of, 224
risks assumed by, 224 –25
role of, 215 , 242 , 364 –65, 405 –6
and second wave of research, 227
shrines or altars of, 231 –32, 245 –46, 254 –55
training of, 225 , 402
website for, 228 –30
Guss, Jeffrey, 335 , 352 , 354 , 369

habits, 360 –64. See also smoking cessation
hacker community, 184
hallucinations, 310 , 317
hallucinogens (term), 18
Harman, Willis
ambitions of, 181
and Hubbard, 166
and International Foundation for Advanced Study (IFAS), 177
and Jesse, 46 , 49
and psychedelics in Silicon Valley, 176 –77
research on creative problem solving, 179
and reunion of first wave figures, 219
at Stanford Research Institute, 180 –82
Harvard Psilocybin Project
controversy surrounding, 194 –97
criticisms of, 46 , 76 , 195

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