How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

misperceptions of, 140
nature of experiments in, 189
and research of previous decade, 140 , 185
researchers’ consumption of drugs in, 189 , 195
and Weil, 201
Harvard University
and Concord Prison Experiment, 46 , 190 –91, 190n, 195
and Good Friday (Marsh Chapel) Experiment, 45 –46, 60 , 191 –92
and James, 188 , 196
Leary’s employment at, 140 , 186 –87, 201 –3
and Leary’s psychedelic seminar, 188 –89
and Schultes, 107
Hayes, John, 70 , 72 –73
Heard, Gerald, 174 , 176
Heffter Research Institute, 48 –49, 228
Helms, Richard, 172n
Hendricks, Peter, 373
hierarchies, psychedelics’ ability to overturn, 315
High Priest (Leary), 187 –88
Hinduism, 16
hippies of the sixties, 203 –4, 315
history, personal, 372 –73
Hitchcock, Billy, 203
Hoffer, Abram
and Commission for the Study of Creative Imagination, 174
and Hubbard, 168 , 170 , 174
and Leary, 198
and LSD therapy for alcoholism, 147 –52, 170
and psychotomimetic model, 159 –60
and role of environment, 151
Hofmann, Albert
birthday celebration for, 21 –22
creation of LSD-25, 1 –2, 22 –23
and Hubbard, 167
isolation of psilocybin and psilocin, 113
and mushroom conferences, 103
psychedelic experiences of, 23 –25, 113 , 142
on reconnection with nature, 25 –26
and Stamets, 97 , 103
and synthetic psilocybin, 83 , 113
Holland, Julie, 402
Hollywood celebrities, 156 –57, 171
holotropic breathwork, 242 –44, 245 , 245n, 306
honeybees and colony collapse disorder, 89 , 128
Hoover, J. Edgar, 168
hospice, psychedelic, 401
Huautla de Jiménez in southern Mexico, 2 , 108 , 110 , 112 , 113 –14
Hubbard, Al
advocacy for psychedelics, 167 –68
ambitions of, 167 –68, 173 , 181 , 194 , 198n

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