How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

imagination, 308
Imperial College London’s Centre for Psychiatry, 295 –96. See also Carhart-Harris, Robin
industrial waste, mycoremediation of, 88
ineffability of mystical experiences, 40 , 54 , 69 , 251 , 270 , 285
Insel, Tom, 335 , 383 , 388n, 398 , 401
and addiction treatment, 362 –63
Alcoholics Anonymous’s emphasis on, 370
and cancer patient research, 351
and default mode network (DMN), 305
and depression pilot study, 379
in mystical experiences, 285 , 305
and overview effect, 359
and Pollan’s Psilocybes experience, 134
Stamets on, 125
International Federation for Internal Freedom (IFIF), 197 , 198 , 199 , 203
International Foundation for Advanced Study (IFAS)
and Brand, 183
closure of, 180
Fadiman’s work at, 43 –44
and Leary, 198
research approval revoked by FDA, 44 , 217 –18
research conducted at, 177 –79
Inuit people, 13n

Jagger, Mick, 114
James, William
on consciousness, 16 –17, 136 , 137 , 244 , 407
on four hallmarks of mystical experiences, 69 –72
on judging mystical experiences, 347
and mystical experience survey, 282
on noetic quality of mystical experiences, 41 , 69 –70, 275
and questions of veracity, 76 –77
research at Harvard, 188 , 196
and reunion of first wave figures, 219
The Varieties of Religious Experience, 69
Janiger, Oscar
and celebrities in LSD therapy, 156 –57
and Hubbard, 171 , 172
and LSD therapy, 156
and West Coast research hub, 153
Jesse, Bob
background of, 38 –40, 42 –43
behind-the-scenes work of, 37
and betterment of well people, 45 , 51 , 401 –2, 404
cabin of, 37 –38
and Council on Spiritual Practices, 43 , 49 –51, 228
and Doblin’s ambitions, 36
early psychedelic experiences of, 39 –40

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