How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

legal status of psychedelics, 3 , 402 , 405
Lennon, John, 114 , 204
Letcher, Andy, 112
Liddy, G. Gordon, 205
Lieberman, Jeffrey, 403
Life magazine
on moral panic, 211 –12
Wasson’s psilocybin article in, 2 , 103 –9, 113
limbic system, 307
Lincoff, Gary, 102
Linkletter, Art, 5
Los Angeles group, 152 , 153 , 154 –58. See also Cohen, Sidney; Eisner, Betty; Janiger, Oscar
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
accidental invention of, 1 –2, 22 –25
and Acid Tests of Kesey, 184 , 206
as alcoholism treatment, 141 , 148 –53, 368 –69, 370
and bad trips, 209 , 210
and “Bicycle Day,” 24
bootleg/underground production of, 181n, 209
and brain science, 2 –3, 24 , 147
casual use of, 211 , 212
CIA’s research on, 59 , 113n, 142 , 172 , 172n, 206 , 207
Cohen’s ambivalence about, 158 –59
creation myth of, 22 –25
and creative imagination, 175
as derivative of fungus, 84
engineers’ use of, 182
“escaping from the lab,” 157 –58
and Feilding’s cerebral circulation theory, 298
first LSD trips, 23 –25
Hubbard on therapeutic value of, 169
legal status of, 3 , 181
and Manson murders, 5 , 367
misinformation about, 5
moral panic provoked by, 138 –39, 209
Nutt on low risks of, 300
perceived dangers of, 209 –11, 209n
and pharmaceutical companies, 400
political baggage of, 51 , 333
and political upheavals of the sixties, 315
and Pollan’s psychedelic journeys, 237 –54
and psychotomimetic model, 153 –54, 162
receptors for, 292 –93
and research at Esalen Institute, 47
Sandoz’s distribution of Delysid, 142 –43, 148 , 152 , 176
Sandoz’s withdrawal of Delysid, 143 , 216 –17
and schizophrenia research, 146 –47
and second wave of research, 333
in Silicon Valley, 175 –80
and Spring Grove’s research, 56 –58, 59 , 218

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