How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

subversive power of, 214
as tryptamine, 291 –92
youth culture’s adoption of, 25 , 212
Luce, Clare Boothe, 104 , 212
Luce, Henry, 104 , 212

machine learning, 325 –26
MacLean, Katherine, 37 , 74 , 346 , 401 , 402
Maclean’s, 148
magical thinking, 312 , 314 , 317 , 389
Malievskaia, Ekaterina, 399
mania, 383
Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 352n
Manson, Charles, 5 , 367
marijuana and cannabis, 36 , 37 , 138 , 138n, 204 , 299
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center at Spring Grove, 52 , 57 , 218
Maslow, Abraham, 49 , 55 , 232
materialist perspective, 12 , 85 , 135
Mayan civilization, 274
Mazatec Indians, 83 , 109 , 110 , 112
McClelland, David, 191 , 195 , 197
McDaniels, Terry, 370 –72
McHugh, Paul, 76
McKenna, Terence, 97 , 115 –17, 121
McLuhan, Marshall, 138 , 139 , 204 , 205
MDMA (Ecstasy)
and cardiac concerns, 236 –37
Doblin’s distribution of, 36
Nutt’s conclusions on, 299
and phase 3 trials approval, 397
in PTSD treatments, 18 , 36 –37
Schuster on, 51
Shulgin’s synthesis of, 44
and therapeutic bond, 236 –37
trials for, 48
meaning, personal
and awe-inspiring experiences, 375
and cancer patient research, 11 , 63 , 352 –55
construction of, 354
and ego dissolution, 389
and 5-HT2A receptors, 354n
Griffiths on, 75 –76
and suggestibility of psychedelics, 354
value of, 355
and Harvard Psilocybin Project controversy, 194 –95, 196 –97
and Katz’s “My 12 Hours as a Madman,” 148 , 154
and LSD’s escape from the lab, 157
on moral panic, 211 –12

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