How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

P. azurescens, 86 , 92 , 94 , 117 –21, 128 –34
in Pacific Northwest, 102
and Pollan’s azurescens experience, 128 –37, 161 –62
sacramental use of, 2 , 93 , 107 , 109 , 112
searching for, 117 –21
and ’shrooms (term), 92
species of, 93
Stamets’s images of, 115
and Stoned Ape Theory, 97 –98, 115 –17
suppression of, 2 , 59 , 108 –9
Wasson’s rediscovery of, 59 , 101
arrival of, in the West, 1 , 2
and CIA’s psychedelic research, 113n
and Concord Prison Experiment, 46 , 190 –91, 190n
discovery of, 83
effect of, on brain activity, 300 –301
evolutionary function of, 84 , 121 –24
and Ginsberg, 193 –94, 205
and Good Friday (Marsh Chapel) Experiment, 45 –46, 80 –81, 191
at Harvard (see Harvard Psilocybin Project)
Hofmann’s isolation of, 113
at Hopkins (see John Hopkins’s psychedelic research)
and human evolution, 116
John Hopkins’s landmark paper on, 10 –11
Leary’s introduction to, 187 –88
materialist/nonmaterialist paradox of, 85
and mystical experiences, 10 –11
and pharmaceutical companies, 400
and phase 3 trials approval, 397
and Pollan’s psychedelic journeys, 254 –72, 284
receptors for, 293
and rewiring of brain, 317 , 318 – 19
Schuster on research potential of, 51
and second wave of research, 79 , 333
and Spring Grove’s research, 218
and Stamets’s messenger theory, 124 –25
and studies requested by FDA, 375 –76
synthetic version of, 83 –84, 113
as tryptamine, 291 –92
See also mushrooms
“Psilocybin Can Occasion Mystical-Type Experiences Having Substantial and Sustained Personal
Meaning and Spiritual Significance” (Griffiths, Richards, McCann, Jesse), 10 –11, 29 –30
Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World (Stamets), 86
Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered (Grinspoon and Bakalar), 194
The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide (Fadiman), 229
psychedelic journeys of Pollan
and cardiac concerns, 235 –37, 244 –45, 245n
and language of mysticism, 285 –87
with LSD, 237 –54

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