How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

rituals for psychedelics, 404
Roberts, John G., 27
Roman Catholic Church, 2 , 109
Romantic scientists, 126 –28
Ross, Stephen
on alcoholism, 369 –70
and new respectability of research, 350
on results with cancer patients, 336
and studies requested by FDA, 375 –76
on suppression of research, 141 –42, 332
rotating face mask test, 261 –63, 267 , 308
Rouiller, Ian, 379
rumination, 313 , 329 , 353 , 377 –78, 383
Russell, Bertrand, 355
Russula mushroom, 119

Sabina, María
in Pollan’s psychedelic journeys, 261 , 317
and Wasson, 110 , 112 , 113 –14, 114n
sacraments, psychedelic used as, 2 , 27 –28, 83 , 93 , 107 –9, 112
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 108
Samorini, Giorgio, 123 –24
Sandoz pharmaceutical firm
creation of LSD-25, 1 –2, 22 –23
distribution of LSD-25 (Delysid), 142 –43, 148 , 152 , 176
and Hubbard, 167 , 170
and psychotomimetic model, 145 –46
withdrawal of Delysid, 143 , 216 –17
Saskatchewan Mental Hospital in Canada, 147 –50. See also Hoffer, Abram; Osmond, Humphry
Savage, Charles, 177
and emergence of neurochemistry field, 146 –47
and LSD as trigger of psychotic breaks, 209 –10
and psychotomimetic model, 145 –46, 162
and rotating face mask test, 262
and Spring Grove’s research, 218
Schultes, Richard Evans, 107
Schuster, Charles “Bob,” 30 , 34 , 49 –50
Schwartz, Peter, 181 –82, 183
and Cohen’s ambivalence about LSD, 158 –59
as a means to mystical experience, 77 –78, 81
methodological standards in, 208
and mysticism-science paradox, 347 –48
and nature’s mysteries, 12
and Romantic scientists, 126 –28
and spirituality, 30 –31, 73 –74, 80 , 174 –75, 207 , 334
and testimony of individuals, 42
and validation of mystical experiences, 347 –48

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