How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

teonanácatl (sacred mushroom of the Aztecs), 2 , 107
terminal patients, 78 –79, 338 –40. See also cancer patient research
thalidomide tragedy, 197 , 208
time travel, mental faculty of, 387
Time-Life publications, 104
Toad. See 5-MeO-DMT (the Toad)
tolerance for psychedelics, 14 , 299
“Tomorrow Never Knows” (Beatles), 143
toxicity of psychedelics, low levels of, 50
trances, 242 –44
transiency of mystical experiences, 71 –72
travel metaphors for psychedelic experiences, 15
trees and mycelial networks, 91 , 91n, 118
trepanation, 298
True: The Man’s Magazine, 113
truths, revelations of, 70 , 251 , 305 –6
tryptamines, 291 –92
Turner, Brian, 65 –66, 73 –74

UDV court case, 27 –28, 43 , 49
University of California, Los Angeles, 8 , 37 , 152 –53
University of New Mexico, 369
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and approval of Strassman’s trial, 48
depression studies requested by, 375 –76
and Hubbard’s clinical research, 167
and phase 3 trials approvals, 397
and potential rescheduling of psychedelics, 36 , 397
and psilocybin trials at Hopkins, 60
regulation of experimental drugs, 146 , 197
research approvals revoked by, 217 –18
and thalidomide tragedy, 197
U.S. Supreme Court, 27 –28

The Varieties of Religious Experience (James), 69
Vietnam War, 139 , 206 , 215 –16
virtual reality, 183
visualizing thoughts, 365 –66
Vogt, Walter, 22
Vollenweider, Franz, 293 , 301 , 320 , 334 , 384

Wallace, David Foster, 388
Wasson, R. Gordon
critics of, 112
field notebooks of, 110 –11
and Hubbard, 170
Life magazine article of, 2 , 103 –9, 113
and mushroom conferences, 103
Mushrooms, Russia, and History, 114n

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