Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1


Fig. 9-31


9.31.A weighted graphGwith six vertices,A, B, ..., F, is stored in memory using a linked representation with a vertex
file and an edge file as in Fig. 9-32.

(a) List the vertices in the order they appear in memory.
(b) Find the successor list succ(v) of each vertexvinG.
(c) Draw a picture ofG.

Fig. 9-32

9.32. LetGbe the graph presented by the table:G=[A:B, C; B:C, D; C:C; D:B; E:].

(a) Find the number of vertices and edges inG. (c) Are there any sources or sinks?
(b) Draw a picture ofG. (d) IsGweakly, unilaterally, or strongly connected?

9.33. Repeat Problem 9.32 for the table:G=[A:D; B:C; C:E; D:B, D, E; E:A].
9.34. Repeat Problem 9.32 for the table:G=[A:B, C, D, K; B:J; C:;D:; J:B, D, L; K:D, L; L:D].
9.35. Suppose Friendly Airways has eight daily flights serving the seven cities: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston,
Philadelphia, Washington. Suppose the data on the flights are stored in memory as in Fig. 9-33; that is, using a linked
representation where the cities and flights appear in linear sorted arrays. Draw a labeled directed graphGdescribing
the data.
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