(b) Compare ITEM=33 with the root, 60. Since 33<60, move to the left child, 30. Since 33>30, move to the
right child, 55. Since 33<55, move to the left child, 35. Now 33<35, but 35 has no left child.
Hence add ITEM=33 as a left child of the node 35 to give the tree in Fig. 10-27(a). The shaded edges indicate
the path down through the tree during the insertion.
Fig. 10-27
10.9. Supposendata itemsA 1 ,A 2 ,...,ANare already sorted, i.e.,A 1 <A 2 <···<AN.
(a) If the items are inserted in order into an empty binary treeT, describe the final treeT.
(b) What is the depthdof the final treeT.
(c) Comparedwith the average depthd∗of a binary tree withnnodes for (i)n=50; (ii)n=100;
(a) The treeTwill consist of one branch which extends to the right as pictured in Fig. 10-27(b)
(b) The branch ofThasnnodes; henced=n.
(c) It is known thatd∗=clog 2 n, wherec≈ 1 .4. Hence: (i)d( 50 )= 50 ,d∗( 50 )≈9;
(ii)d( 100 )= 100 ,d∗( 100 )≈10; (iii)d( 500 )= 500 ,d∗( 500 )≈12.
10.10. Suppose the following list of letters is inserted into an empty binary search tree:
J, R, D, G, W, E, M, H, P, A, F, Q
(a) Find the final treeT.(b) Find the inorder traversal ofT.
(a) Insert the nodes one after the other to obtain the treeTin Fig. 10-28(a)
Fig. 10-28