Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1

14.22. LetAbe a well-ordered set. Lets(A)denote the collection of all initial segmentss(a)of elementsa∈A
ordered by set inclusion. ProveAis isomorphic tos(A)by showing that the mapf:A→s(A), defined
byf(a)=s(a), is a similarity mapping ofAontos(A). (Compare with Problem 14.17.)
First we show thatfis one-to-one and onto. Supposey ∈s(A). Theny =s(a)for somea ∈A. Thus
f(a)=s(a)=y,sofis ontos(A). Supposex=y. Then one precedes the other, say,x≺y. Thenx∈s(y). But
x/∈s(x). Thuss(x)=s(y). Therefore,fis also one-to-one.
We now need only show thatfpreserves order, that is,

xy if and only if s(x)⊆s(y)

Supposexy.Ifa∈s(x), thena≺xand hencea≺y; thusa∈s(y). Thuss(x)⊆s(y). On the other hand,
supposexy, that is,x.y. Theny∈s(x). Buty/∈s(y); hences(x)⊆s(y). In other words,xyif and only if
s(x)⊆s(y). Accordingly,fis a similarity mapping ofAontoS(A), and soA∼=s(A).


14.23. Write the dual of each statement:

(a) (a∧b)∨c=(b∨c)∧(c∨a); (b) (a∧b)∨a=a∧(b∨a).

Replace∨by∧and replace∧by∨in each statement to obtain the dual statement:

(a) (a∨b)∧c=(b∧c)∨(c∧a); (b) (a∨b)∧a=a∨(b∧a)

14.24. Prove Theorem 14.4: Let L be a lattice. Then:

(i) a∧b=aif and only ifa∨b=b.
(ii) The relationab(defined bya∧b=aora∨b=b) is a partial order onL.

(i) Supposea∧b=a. Using the absorption law in the first step we have:


Now supposea∨b=b. Again using the absorption law in the first step we have:


Thusa∧b=aif and only ifa∨b=b.
(ii) For anyainL, we havea∧a=aby idempotency. Henceaa, and sois reflexive.
Supposeabandba. Thena∧b=aandb∧a=b. Therefore,a=a∧b=b∧a=b, and sois
Lastly, supposeabandbc. Thena∧b=aandb∧c=b. Thus


Thereforeac, and sois transitive. Accordingly,is a partial order onL.

14.25. Which of the partially ordered sets in Fig. 14-15 are lattices?

A partially ordered set is a lattice if and only if sup(x, y)and inf(x, y)exist for each pairx,yin the set. Only
(c) is not a lattice since{a, b}has three upper bounds,c,dandI, and no one of them precedes the other two, that is,
sup(a, b)does not exist.

14.26. Consider the latticeLin Fig. 14-15(a).

(a) Which nonzero elements are join irreducible?
(b) Which elements are atoms?
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